05 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Kolkata Regional Centre of IGNOU has expanded its delivery network in the region increasing the number of Support Centres from 47 (2005) to 66 till March 2007. Student support centres of IGNOU Regional Centre, Kolkata include regular Study Centres (SC), programme specific Programme Study Centres (PSC) and Special Study Centres (SSC) established on the basis of revenue sharing to achieve the objectives of serving the disadvantaged groups and the people of remote areas.


Student Support Service (SSS) is given due thrust by the Regional Centre under the supervision of one of the Assistant Regional Directors. The salient features are as follows:

  1. An exclusive counter has been created with an Assistant, a JAT and the DEO for giving personal assistance to the students and prospective learners visiting the Regional Centre.
  2. One telephone has been earmarked exclusively for attending to queries. On an average, the Regional Centre receives 80 – 100 calls daily.
  3. Every student letter received are replied by post or by e-mail. Indeed all the e-mails of the learners are replied on the same day.
  4. Specific registers are maintained for change of Study Centres, submission of TMAs, issuance of NOCs and Bonafide Certificates, etc.
  5. Change of SC / PSC is being allowed taking into consideration, students’ convenience.
  6. Student Friendly: Keeping the Regional Centre opened from 9.30 am to 6.00 pm and encouraging students to meet the officials concerned personally have improved the image of the regional Centre immensely.
  7. Centre Friendly: Various committees have been formed at the Regional Centre to look into different functional aspects. Staff meetings and specific Committee Meetings are held frequently since January 2006 to plan targets, to discuss different issues and to initiate appropriate remedial action. It is understood that these meetings have created greater transparency in the functioning of the Regional Centre.

Communication technology embedded delivery of our programmes, as envisaged in our system is comprehended by us with due importance.


RC is now re-emphasizing the need of utilization of the already existing academic video programmes available at the Study Centres, which we know has good content as they are produced and presented by the best academic brains available in each stream.